
Tugas 2 English Business   Make the example of Business Email.   Greetings, Miss Wela.   The Project is coming! Thank you so much for choosing to work with us. I'd like to inform you that we're going to set up the plan for this project. Could you inform us when is the right time to hold a meeting with you within this week? We will send the handsout file before the meeting begins.   With this email, we've also attached a document that needs your check. Please send it back once you have already agreed.   and if you have any questions or concerns, you can contact us from this email or call at +62 856 xxx xxx.   Best Regards,   The A Team    ----------------------------------- This assignment is make by: Name: Wafa Luthfiyah Azzzahra NPM: 27218279
  Tugas 1 English Business   Make the example of Application Letter.   Wafa Luthfiyah 555 Right Street Depok 16425 +62 856-9450-1234   October 2nd, 2020   Joko Widodo President Republic of Indonesia Inc. Medan Merdeka Utara St. Jakarta   Dear Mr. Jokowi, I saw the posting about a job opening for General Secretary of Republic Indonesia on and I’am very interested in the role. I have earned a bachelor degree in accounting and business from Gunadarma University, even though I graduated from accounting major, I have several experience that can make me qualified for the job. Besides the knowledge I have from my educationnal background, I also have a good computer skill especially on operating Microsoft Office. I can communicate in three language. English, Japanese, and Indonesian fluently both on speaking and writing. I have responsibility, I’m hardworking and fast learner. With all ...


DASAR HUKUM WAJIB DAFTAR PERUSAHAAN Pertama kali diatur dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Dagang (KUHD) pasal 23  Para persero firma diwajibkan mendaftarkan akta itu dalam register yang disediakan untuk itu pada kepaniteraan raad van justitie (pengadilan Negeri) daerah hukum tempat kedudukan perseroan itu. Selanjutnya pasal 38 KUHD : Para persero diwajibkan untuk mendaftarkan akta itu dalam keseluruhannya beserta ijin yang diperolehnya dalam register yang diadakan untuk itu pada panitera  raad van justitie  dari daerah hukum kedudukan perseroan itu, dan mengumumkannya dalam surat kabar resmi. Dari kedua pasal di atas firma dan perseroan terbatas diwajibkan mendaftarkan akta pendiriannya pada pengadilan negeri tempat kedudukan perseroan itu berada, selanjutnya pada tahun 1982 wajib daftar perusahaan diatur dalam ketentuan tersendiri yaitu UUWDP yang tentunya sebagai ketentuan khusus menyampingkan ketentuan KUHD sebagai ketentuan umum. Dalam pasal 5 ayat 1 UUWDP di...